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HPLC Colum

NanoChrom Technologies

ChromCore AQ C18

ChromCore AQ C18 columns are based on proprietary C18 modified silica particles for excellent aqueous compatibility. They are the column of choice for applications requiring highly aqueous mobile phase and/or C18 selectivity.

Main Features

C18 selectivity with 100% aqueous compatibility
Excellent chromatographic peak shape for acidic, basic and neutral analytes
Low column bleed, fully compatible with MS applications
Good column-to-column consistency


Product Name: ChromCore AQ C18
Functional Group: Octadecyl
Substrate: Monodispersed, porous, spherical silica particles
Particle Size: 1.8, 3 & 5 μm
Pore Size: 180 Å
Surface Area: 200 m2/g
Carbon Load: 13%
End-capped: Yes
Pressure Limit: 5000 psi for 5 μm
Pressure Limit: 6000 psi for 3 μm
Pressure Limit: 12000 psi for 1.8 μm
Temperature Limit: 60 ℃
pH Range: 2-10
Aqueous Compatibility: 100% aqueous



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